Very well done
The two things that stand out the strongest to me are the quality of the animation and graphics, and the music score. They are both done really well. However, I feel the music had to carry the scene in some cases. Like when Neenja was quick punching the ogre. Not alot of action goin on but the music was very intense and that created a sort of contradiciton.
I understand why some veiwers can get upset when someone nit-picks a movie to death, but lets face it, how else it the artist going to know what to improve on. Yeah some of the words can be harsh and even painful to read, but you gotta take it with a grain-o-salt.
Art is a continuing never ending education, and as artist we are constantly in a pursuit of perfection in our particular area of expertise. If you do not constant push yourself to improve, you can hardly be considered an artist.
Great job on the movie! Can't wait to see the improvements in the next one.